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shrimp cholesterol-healthy food

Shrimp Cholesterol and a Low Fat Cholesterol :

Many people think that shrimp cholesterol may be a problem, and that it should not be included in a low fat cholesterol recipe of a low fat low cholesterol diet .Without further ado, the information on shrimp cholesterol you need to know…..
If you want a recipe fat low cholesterol food contains no cholesterol, should shrimp be on this 
list? Here I will give you an answer to this question, and many more .

Cholesterol Shrimp Facts:
When it comes to keeping cholesterol under control, there are plenty of foods rich in cholesterol, you should avoid (see list below).
Shrimp is placed in more than one list of foods high in cholesterol, but is shrimp cholesterol truly one of these dangerous foods to avoid?
The truth is a bit more complex than you think. speaking about cholesterol in shrimp means that we are speaking about 200 milligrams of cholesterol in this recipe, which is more or less what a person with high cholesterol should eat all day (hence the cholesterol in one sitting!).
However, on the other hand, shrimp is high in protein, aim it contains very little fat compared to other forms of the protein. In addition, shrimp cholesterol is much healthier than the cholesterol in eggs, and shrimp is high in Omega 3, which protects form cholesterol and other heart problems.

Take a look at some facts about the cholesterol content of shrimp :
1. cholesterol in Shrimp doesn't threaten to raise the cholesterol levels of roughly 75% of the people who find that their diet does not affect their cholesterol
2. Fat in shrimp is lower than other seafood, but contains more Omega 3 than a lot of other types of fish.
Shrimp can also decrease triglyceride levels by up to 13%, and tip the balance in favor of shrimp if your health allow it.
Not everyone can eat shrimp and bear the shrimp cholesterol, especially those who have heart problems..

However, for most people, the health benefits of shrimp make it a wonderful recipe to eat.


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